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Number and OperationsCount, write, and order whole numbers:N.ME.02.01 Count to 1000 by 1's, 10's, and 100's starting from any number in the sequence. (Counting Squares , Skip Counting ) N.ME.02.02 Read and write numbers to 1000 in numerals and words, and relate them to the quantities they represent. (Counting Squares ) N.ME.02.03 Compare and order numbers to 1000; use the symbols > and <. (Order Numbers to 1000 ) N.ME.02.04 Count orally by 3's and 4's starting with 0, and by 2's, 5's, and 10's starting from any number. (Skip Counting ) Understand place value: N.ME.02.05 Express numbers through 999 using place value, e.g., 137 is 1 hundred, 3 tens, and 7 ones; use concrete materials. (Place Value to 1000 ) Add and subtract whole numbers: N.FL.02.06 Decompose 100 into addition pairs, e.g., 99 + 1, 98 + 2, … N.MR.02.07 Find the distance between numbers on the number line, e.g., How far is 79 from 26? N.MR.02.08 Find missing values in open sentences, e.g., 42 + [] = 57; use relationship between addition and subtraction. (Missing Term , Inverse Equations 1 ) N.MR.02.09 Given a contextual situation that involves addition and subtraction for numbers through 99: model using objects or pictures, explain in words, record using numbers and symbols; solve. (Basic Word Problems ) N.FL.02.10 Add fluently two numbers through 99, using strategies including formal algorithms; subtract fluently two numbers through 99. (Long Addition to 1000 , Long Subtraction to 1000 ) N.FL.02.11 Estimate the sum of two numbers with three digits. N.FL.02.12 Calculate mentally sums and differences involving: three-digit numbers and ones; three-digit numbers and tens; three-digit numbers and hundreds. (Long Addition to 1000 , Long Subtraction to 1000 ) Understand meaning of multiplication and division: N.MR.02.13 Understand multiplication as the result of counting the total number of objects in a set of equal groups, e.g., 3 x 5 gives the number of objects in 3 groups of 5 objects, or 3 x 5 = 5 + 5 + 5 = 15. (Understanding Multiplication ) N.MR.02.14 Represent multiplication using area and array models. (Understanding Multiplication ) N.MR.02.15 Understand division (÷) as another way of expressing multiplication, using fact families within the 5 x 5 multiplication table; emphasize that division "undoes" multiplication, e.g., 2 x 3 = 6 can be rewritten as 6 ÷ 2 = 3 or 6 ÷ 3 = 2. (Inverse Equations 2 ) N.MR.02.16 Given a simple situation involving groups of equal size or of sharing equally, represent with objects, words, and symbols; solve. (Understanding Division ) N.FL.02.17 Develop strategies for fluently multiplying numbers up to 5 x 5. Work with unit fractions: N.ME.02.18 Recognize, name, and represent commonly used unit fractions with denominators 12 or less; model 1/2, 1/3, and 1/4 by folding strips. (Fraction Pictures ) N.ME.02.19 Recognize, name, and write commonly used fractions: 1/2, 1/3, 2/3, 1/4, 2/4, 3/4. (Fraction Pictures ) N.ME.02.20 Place 0 and halves, e.g., 1/2, 11/2, 21/2, on the number line; relate to a ruler. N.ME.02.21 For unit fractions from 1/12 to 1/2, understand the inverse relationship between the size of a unit fraction and the size of the denominator; compare unit fractions from 1/12 to 1/2. (Basic Fraction Comparison , Fraction Comparison ) N.ME.02.22 Recognize that fractions such as 2/2, and 3/3, and 4/4 are equal to the whole (one). (Fraction Pictures ) MeasurementMeasure, add, and subtract length:M.UN.02.01 Measure lengths in meters, centimeters, inches, feet, and yards approximating to the nearest whole unit and using abbreviations: cm, m, in, ft, yd. M.PS.02.02 Compare lengths; add and subtract lengths (no conversion of units). Understand the concept of area: M.UN.02.03 Measure area using non-standard units to the nearest whole unit. M.TE.02.04 Find the area of a rectangle with whole number side lengths by covering with unit squares and counting, or by using a grid of unit squares; write the area as a product. Tell time and solve time problems: M.UN.02.05 Using both A.M. and P.M., tell and write time from the clock face in 5-minute intervals, and from digital clocks to the minute; include reading time: 9:15 as nine-fifteen and 9:50 as nine-fifty. Interpret time both as minutes after the hour and minutes before the next hour, e.g., 8:50 as eight-fifty and ten to nine. Show times by drawing hands on clock face. (Telling Time ) M.UN.02.06 Use the concept of duration of time, e.g., determine what time it will be half an hour from 10:15. (Time Intervals ) Record, add and subtract money: M.UN.02.07 Read and write amounts of money using decimal notations, e.g., $1.15. (Counting Money ) M.PS.02.08 Add and subtract money in mixed units, e.g., $2.50 + 60 cents and $5.75 - $3, but not $2.50 + $3.10. Read thermometers: M.UN.02.09 Read temperature using the scale on a thermometer in degrees Fahrenheit. Solve measurement problems: M.PS.02.10 Solve simple word problems involving length and money. M.TE.02.11 Determine perimeters of rectangles and triangles by adding lengths of sides, recognizing the meaning of perimeter. (Perimeter ) GeometryIdentify and describe shapes:G.GS.02.01 Identify, describe, and compare familiar two-dimensional and three-dimensional shapes, such as triangles, rectangles, squares, circles, semi-circles, spheres, rectangular prisms. (Geometric Shapes ) G.GS.02.02 Explore and predict the results of putting together and taking apart twodimensional and three-dimensional shapes. G.GS.02.04 Distinguish between curves and straight lines and between curved surfaces and flat surfaces. G.SR.02.05 Classify familiar plane and solid objects, e.g., square, rectangle, rhombus, cube, pyramid, prism, cone, cylinder, and sphere, by common attributes such as shape, size, color, roundness or number of corners and explain which attributes are being used for classification. (Quadrilateral Types ) G.TR.02.06 Recognize that shapes that have been slid, turned or flipped are the same shape, e.g., a square rotated 45° is still a square. Use coordinate systems: G.LO.02.07 Find and name locations using simple coordinate systems such as maps and first quadrant grids. Data and ProbabilityCreate, interpret, and solve problems involving pictographs:D.RE.02.01 Make pictographs using a scale representation, using scales where symbols equal more than one. D.RE.02.02 Read and interpret pictographs with scales, using scale factors of 2 and 3. (Tally and Pictographs ) D.RE.02.03 Solve problems using information in pictographs; include scales such as "each [] represents 2 apples."; avoid partial cases. (Tally and Pictographs ) Learn more about our online math practice software. |
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